A very long paper

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A very long paper
It is for me impossible to understand how a paper can be written in such a language!
‘DESIGN SCIENCE IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH’ is just a compilation of white nose on 32 horribly long pages!

Of course one needs 32 pages if every second word is a repetition.
Just a few examples: try to estimate how often the author uses the word ‘design’ in his paper. I’ll tell you: 200 times!
‘Process’, ‘method’ and ‘model’? Together 241 times! (~80 each)
Maybe ‘artifact’ is the topic of the paper because he uses the word 380 times!

A paper should be as simple as possible. Short and readable. The paper at hand is nothing of those.
Just a pain to read!

To make a short and concise summary of that monstrosity is the mount Everest of NYT.
We should send the author some of the better summaries.
Just to show him how short and precise information can be presented!

Thanks for the honest opinion! I look forward to discussing this paper in class.

Possible plot twist: That paper was written by a paper generator? :wink:

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@airhardt: It was not; this paper is actually considered “seminal” i.e. important, even though it is not an easy read.

I just had to…