Exam signup in meinCampus

PROD not available as ‘Seminar’

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Exam signup in meinCampus
In meinCampus PROD is only available as ‘Hauptseminar’ and ‘Vertiefungsrichtung’, but not as ‘Seminar’, which is what I want.

am I missing something?

Hallo Hund,

Thanks for posting this to the forum. This way also other students can benefit from reading the discussion.

We are currently this problem for both PROD and ADAP (https://fsi.cs.fau.de/forum/post/162372). Please allow a few days for this to be fixed. I’ll notify you (and potentially others) in this thread once the problem is resolved.

Viele Grüße,
Max Capraro

(From the terminology “Seminar” and “Hautpseminar”, I assume that you are studying INF-MA. Please let us know if this should be incorrect.)

I’m currently enroled in Informatik Bachelor. (Studies began before 2019 → this is still ‘Seminar’ for me)

I informed the MeinCampus folks and I hope that today they’ll be able to manually create an exam for both INF-BA and INF-MA students in PROD-VUE (and, for that matter in PROD-PROJ and ADAP as well).

I am a bit puzzled to the semantics of Hauptseminar vs Seminar and did neither get a conclusion from the INF-MA / INF-BA FPO nor find any traces of it in my MeinCampus GUI. @hund: Would you mind please doing a screenshot for me that shows the warning message? (This will not really help you get your problem resolved quicker, as I believe it already will be resolved by our friends over at MeinCampus - but would probably help me to avoid such a mistake in the future)

The issues are resolved now. Please let us know if any problems still arise.

Thank you very much!

I think they just renamed ‘Seminar’ to ‘Hauptseminar’ for students beginning their studies after SoSe 2019.