Getting the Default LaTeX Look in Word

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Getting the Default LaTeX Look in Word
If you are happy using Word, but like the LaTeX look you often see in research papers, you can download the “LaTeX fonts” here:
Normally it’s enough to only download lmroman12-regular.otf, lmroman12-bold.otf and lmroman12-italic.otf. After downloading, go to [Control Panel] → [Fonts],. and just drag the fonts into the window to install them.

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There’s more to LaTeX than the used fonts:

[TeX StackExchange] Visual comparison between LaTeX and Word output (hyphenation, typesetting, ligatures etc)

Link from the first answer:


McDonalds radically changed their interiour design a few years ago. Last time I checked, the burgers still taste like fast food.

Btw. when using pdfTex, make sure to [m]\usepackage{microtype}[/m].