git branches and release-candidates

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git branches and release-candidates
Hello again,

  1. Are we allowed to close merged branches or should be keep them around for grading purposes?
  2. Can we delete the release-candidate tag after the real release?


Hi Chronark,

Thanks for you question and double-thanks for using the FSI forum!

In theory, you are allowed to use the git conventions that suit you best.

In practice, your coach will look at your git repo to grade you. So ideally you communicate your branching model etc. with the coach.

You should never „squash“ when merging branches and you should keep all the branches until the end of the project (because we want the individual contribution of every team member to always be visible). A good naming convention for branches can help you to keep an overview.

Please leave it in so that the coach can see (and grade) that everything was properly tagged by the review and release manager.

Alright thanks for clearing that up.

I’ll talk to our coach and let him know as well.