Information on release planning and burn-down charts

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Information on release planning and burn-down charts
Hello everyone,

we expect you by now to have created and maintain a project release plan. The mid-project release plan won’t change after today (when the mid-project release is cut, hopefully). The final release plan will keep changing on a weekly base until the release is cut.

I see / hear it is still difficult for some to do the math in the spreadsheet. The videos explain the logic well, in my opinion. but we don’t have a great tool for it. The reason why we don’t use a separate tool is that (a) I don’t want additional tools and (b) you (POs) should understand the logic of release plans anyway (in the form of burn-downs).

To that end, I reworked the example Flowers planning document and made it easier (hopefully) to copy from it and create and maintain your own release plan. Please find it in the course materials folder.

HTH, Dirk Riehle