internship? anyone?

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internship? anyone?
guten morgen, ich hab keine ahnung was genau in dem text steht, weil ich ihn nicht durchgelesen hab, aber ich bin mal so frei ihn hier zu posten. da ich nicht in diesem department bin kann ich da auch nicht viel sagen zu, bei sonstigen fragen… man moege sie mir gerne stellen

The Data Integration Group of the Integrated Data Systems Department of
Siemens Corporate Research has internship openings, with a flexible
starting date as early as July 2006, and continuing throughout the end
of the year. The duration is at least 6 months, and longer stay is
preferable. The task of the internship is to develop, research, and
prototype software solutions on data integration.

This research program (Data Inegration) builds declarative data and
process integration technologies and extensible frameworks for
supporting data-intensive computation in various domains. The
integration dimensions are from three aspects: data types, data
federation and business intelligence. It aims to provide foundations and
to improve the data quality (completeness, consistency, accuracy and
timeliness) for developing knowledge-based applications in vertical
integration. We focus research efforts on:

  • Data and document content extraction
  • Data aggregation, normalization and enrichment
  • XML-based data modeling
  • Multidimensional and sensor-based data management
  • Multimedia data provision and documentation
  • Data integration architectures
  • Maintenance information integration

Interested party please contact:

Fusheng Wang, Ph.D.
Member of Technique Staff

Integrated Data Systems Department
Siemens Coporate Research
755 College Road East
Princeton, NJ 08540
Tel: (609)734-4464
Fax: (609)734-6565
fusheng . wang @ siemens . com

nur der neugierde wegen… war da jemand dran interessiert?

im Prinzip schon - nur ist das ein Jahr zu früh :slight_smile: