Mini-VL "Konstruktive Logik und Progrmmextraktion"

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Mini-VL “Konstruktive Logik und Progrmmextraktion”
Im Rahmen des Visiting Professorship Programme der FAU wird Dr. Dirk Pattinson von der Australian National University in Canberra ein Mini-Vorlesung zum Thema “Constructive Logic and Program Extraction” abhalten. Die beiden Termine sind

  1. und 26.09.2013, jeweils von 14.00 - 16.00 Uhr
    Raum 11.150, blaues Hochhaus (Seminarraum INF8).


The ability to extract programs from proofs is one of the most distinctive features of constructive logic.
We explore the foundations of constructive logic and make the notion of ‘computational content’ of
constructive proofs precise. Extracted programs can embody this computational content, and provably
satisfy their specifications.

Lecture 1: – Introduction to constructive logic and reasoning, examples
– From proofs to Turing machines: Kleene’s number realisability

Lecture 2: – Goedel’s system T
– From proofs to functional programs: Kreisel’s modified realisability

Time permitting we will also discuss categorical models (modest sets) and show how realisability
can be used as a tool to establish independence results.

Die Veranstaltung ist für Studierende gedacht; ich möchte insofern zur zahlreichen Teilnahme ermutigen.

– Lutz Schröder

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