Nothing is executed to export the report

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Nothing is executed to export the report
Finally, I have been able to upload the files.

Also, when I try to export a report it remains without status and without Average items/sec.

I waited for more than 5 hours without any progress and when I click cancel or pause I got an error that scheduler is not working. Anyone, has a solution to this issue ?

I have the same problem. This is even a known issue to Flossology community. The persons from the mailing list told me to restart the schedular which helped me to get a report.

I have the same issue. The command to start/stop the scheduler doesnt work for me though. “sudo /etc/init.d/fossology stop” returns “Command not found” which doesnt help me at all. Restarting fossology and redoing the license scan changed nothing.

I run fossology through docker, which might be the reason. It was an absolute nightmare to set it up and now I am at my wits end. Such a shame that we have to use such an unstable software.

How did you successfullys restart the scheduler?

I am running it on a docker container and already tried the following commands:

docker exec -it name /etc/init.d/fossology start
docker exec -it name /etc/init.d/fossology restart

Unfortunately, none of them worked. Docker says that the fossology scheduler was restarted, but in fact it doesn’t start my jobs and checking its status still says that the connection to the scheduler failed.

This worked for me (replacing „name“ with the actual containers name ofc., run „docker container ls“ to find out which name docker assigned to your instance)
However, i have to restart the scheduler once per report-creation…

1 „Gefällt mir“

Thank you! That finally worked for me.

When I run docker, I can not rewrite anything in the terminal because it has not ended.

So, how to write another command in the terminal while docker is still running.

If you can say in specific details how to do such a restart that will be very nice.

If you can write also the commands you used to setup docker and the container that will be very nice

You can use a different terminal for that.

Can you also please, write down the exact command for restarting.

Sadly, this didn’t work for me. Scheduler is still not running and the open jobs stay untreated.

Thanks it is solved for me