[Official] Reading/Watch-List for AI-1

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[Official] Reading/Watch-List for AI-1
In this thread I will post the reading/watching Recommendations for the plenary sessions.

They will usually have three components:

The course notes and the video nuggets are usually quite well-synchronized. But (as I have been working on them for the last two years), the course notes may be a little more detailed and correct than the slides in the video nuggets. The connection to R/N is looser, R/N often has more information, but sometimes the course materials go into more depth.

Note that these are recommendations, not assignments, in particular, are not required to read/watch all of them, different people have different learning preferences. So you will have to find out yourself, what works best for you.

But you should do enough that you are prepared for the plenary sessions, otherwise you will not profit much from them.
Unprepared lurking does not pay off.

Michael Kohlhase

AI-1 Read/Watch for Tuesday 4. November 2020
The first lecture will be a regular zoom lecture at https://fau.zoom.us/j/96292478337 which you do not have to prepare.
We will cover course motivation and admin; so this may be (depending on your questions) a relatively short lecture.

That is OK, as it leaves you time for preparing the plenary session on Wednesday.

AI-1 Read/Watch for 5. November 2020
We will cover the Who?, What?, When?, Where?, and Why? of Artificial Intelligence.
To prepare the plenary session, we recommend

AI-1 Read/Watch for 10. November 2020
We will cover Logic Programming in Prolog.
To prepare the plenary session, we recommend

Chapter 4. in the course notes https://kwarc.info/teaching/AI/notes.pdf

Chapter 4. (clips 1-4) on https://fau.tv/course/id/1690

Russell/Norvig do not cover Programming in Prolog.

Reading/Watch-List for 11. November 2020
We will cover the the complexity recap and the beginnings of rational agents.

To prepare the plenary session, we recommend

wrong dates
Dear Students,
I apologize, the dates 4.11 and 5. 11 are wrong, they should be 3. 11 and 4. 11.
Sorry about that.

Reading/Watch-List for 17. November 2020
We will cover the rest of the Agents Framework and beginning of Problem Solving.

To prepare the plenary session, we recommend

Reading/Watch-List for 18. November 2020
We will cover the informed and uninformed search.

To prepare the plenary session, we recommend

Reading/Watch-List for 24. November 2020
We will cover the rest of the search chapter

To prepare the plenary session, we recommend

Reading/Watch-List for 25. November 2020
We start with Adversarial Search/Game Playing

To prepare the plenary session, we recommend

Reading/Watch-List for 1. December 2020
We conclude Adversarial Search/Game Playing with a discussion of AlphaGo and start the chapter on Constraint Satisfaction

To prepare the plenary session, we recommend

Reading/Watch-List for 2. December 2020
We continue with Constraint Satisfaction and Constraint Propagation

To prepare the plenary session, we recommend

Reading/Watch-List for 8. December 2020 (Lecture 11)
We continue with Constraint Propagation

To prepare the plenary session, we recommend

Reading/Watch-List for 9. December 2020 (Lecture 12)
We start with an Introduction to Propositional Logic

To prepare the plenary session, we recommend

Reading/Watch-List for 15. December 2020 (Lecture 13)
We continue with Propositional Calculi and Proofs.

To prepare the plenary session, we recommend

Reading/Watch-List for 16. December 2020 (Lecture 14)
We cover Propositional Theorem Proving Algorithms

To prepare the plenary session, we recommend

Reading/Watch-List for 22. December 2020 (Lecture 15)
We cover Propositional Theorem Proving Algorithms

To prepare the plenary session, we recommend

Reading/Watch-List for 23. December 2020 (Lecture 16)
We cover First-Order Logic

To prepare the plenary session, we recommend

Reading/Watch-List for 12. January 2020 (Lecture 17)
We cover Inference in First-Order Logic, i.e. (Automated) Theorem Proving

To prepare the plenary session, we recommend