[Official] We have an exam date/time/place: 15. 2. 2021 14:00

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[Official] We have an exam date/time/place: 15. 2. 2021 14:00
Dear AI Students,

we (finally) have a time and place for the AI-1 Exam:

    1. 2021 14:00 in the Ballspielhalle Gebbertstr. 123b, 91058 Erlangen

I will give you more details on this thread as they appear.

Michael Kohlhase

We plan to have the room open at 13:30.

So you can arrive at different times and thus avoid a long queue at the entrance.

is it allowed to drink or eat during the exam?

From what I remember, there was an email a few weeks ago that said it is necessary to wear a (regular, non-FFP2) mask for the entire duration of an exam, except if you want to drink something.