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is it possible to open the reviews as it was done the last week until Tuesday? I completely forgot it is until Friday as the last week it was until Tuesday.

Thank you in advance!

Dear piter

The deadline for reviews is Friday every week, as stated in the course slides. So, we won’t extend this. However, if you had a specific reason for not getting the review done by time, please write us privately at

Cheers, Nick

Hi Nick,

thank you for the answer,

Actually I just thought the deadline was changed to Tuesday as the last week when I wanted to see my evaluation I saw that the review time is until Tuesday and I can’t see my evaluation. And I just (my fault) assumed it is always like that from now on and then realised it is closed when checking it on the Friday late evening (after midnight). So basically the only reason why I didn’t do it was my misunderstanding.

Cheers, Piotr