Something to think about until the next session

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Something to think about until the next session
Dear all,

as discussed today, we would like you think about an extension to fragment 3 that allows for more interesting noun phrases.
That will make the next session much more insightful.

Here are some of the examples:

  1. Peter loved the cat.
  2. *Peter loved the the cat.
  3. John killed a cat with a white tail.
  4. Peter chased the gangster in the car.
  5. Peter loves every cat.
  6. Every man loves a woman.

Some of the things to think about:

  • What changes do we have to make to the grammar?
  • What could be the corresponding logical expressions?
  • How would you do the semantics construction? (tricky)
  • What are the problems we encounter here?

Enjoy the Christmas break