Support materials for Agile Biz Plan

for Profitability and KPIs, Competence Analysis, Build-Buy-Partner Analysis, Innovation

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Support materials for Agile Biz Plan
Hi everyone

During last Q&A we noticed that you need more support and clarification for various parts of the Agile Business Plan (ABP). That’s why we share with you some support slides created by the authors of ABP.

The support materials are here:

Right now you can see materials about Profitability and KPIs, Competence Analysis, Build-Buy-Partner Analysis, Innovation, because these are either relevant for the upcoming submission or were asked for specifically (KPIs). Let me know if you need clarification for another section of ABP.

Cheers, Nick

Hi everyone

Even more good news :slight_smile:

Here are details instructions and support materials for Agile Business plan -

You can (and should) download Strategisches Produktmanagement nach Open Product Management Workflow™ and Technisches Produktmanagement nach Open Product Management Workflow™. Take a loot at the sections relevant for your work. Sorry that it’s only in German.

Good luck.

Cheers, Nick

Helps a lot to understand the templates! :slight_smile:


Thank you Nick for the materials! :slight_smile:


Hello Nick,

should we determine the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) or should we also try to estimate some value for that.
Because the product is still in development and we can’t fetch any relevant market values.

Thank you.
Best Regards

Dear Martin

It’s fine to only determine the Key Performance Indicators and explain how you plan to use them once the product in launched. You can estimate target KPI values for the upcoming months or years.

Cheers, Nick