The mysterious fortune cookie

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The mysterious fortune cookie
In assignment 7.1.2 applying smoothing was simplified by providing the base case of the BACKWARD algorithm from section 22.2.

My question is: how does one obtain these values for the base case? I tried setting t to k+1 in the derivation of the BACKWARD algorithm (slide 771), yielding P(e_{k+1:k+1} | X_k) = \sum_{x_{k+1}} P(e_{k+1:k+1} | x_{k+1}) * P(x_{k+1} | X_k). Since e_{k+1:k+1} = e_{k+1}, one obtains \sum_{x_{k+1}} P(e_{k+1} | x_{k+1}) * P(x_{k+1} | X_k), which can be computed using the sensor and transition model respectively.

When I tried this computation, I got different values from the fortune cookie however. Can someone help?