… ab sofort
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Werksstudenten bei Adidas gesucht
Hallo zusammen,
für die Adidas Gruppe bin ich im Moment auf der Suche nach zwei Werkstudenten, die uns am Standort Herzogenaurach unterstützen möchten:
we are looking for a student that can support us from November 2013 onwards in preparing rollouts of our software systems to our adidas internal user community.
We need to ensure that the software integrates seamlessly into the daily work of our users.
You would support us in preparing use cases how the users use the system and will be part of the testing team. You will also help preparing a training documentation for our users and support them in case they are facing training issues with the system.
Technical Expert:
[i]we are looking for a student that can help us in evaluating, installing, configuring and writing scripts for off-the-shelf software solutions.
Do you enjoy trying out new solutions and help us designing and providing new features to our users? In this role, you will partner with our IT as well as the business team throughout the project life cycle, including installation and configuration writing and developing code in vaious (scripting-)-languages, testing, implementation and support.
Technical Skills and Essential Functions
Wenn ihr Interesse an einem der Jobs habt schickt mir bitte eine kurze EMail (vorname.nachname@adidas-group.com) mit Informationen zu eurem Studiengang, Fachsemester und eurer möglichen Wochenarbeitszeit. Genaueres können wir anschießend bei einem persönlichen Gespräch erörtern.
Viele Gruesse
Jochen Suessmuth