Zoom Lecture Room

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Zoom Lecture Room
We will (try to) use the following zoom meeting room throughout the semester:

Meeting ID: 967 4709 5350
Password: 020918
URL: https://fau.zoom.us/j/96747095350?pwd=TWtIUHFCVCtkU1hLV3hPRkl3VnR1QT09

Dial in phone numbers: https://fau.zoom.us/u/acCv83orwv

Lecture Recording
Would it be possible to record tomorrows lecture (06.05.20) and offer it as a Video-on-Demand? Due to an unexpected, important seminar, I am sadly not able to attend the lecture.

Today we are in https://fau.zoom.us/j/96292478337 because on screen sharing host troubles.

I’ve recorded the lecture and will upload it at


Something went wrong with the first upload. So I’ve deleted and recreated the course. I think it might take another day or so until the video becomes available.


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Has the lecture from last thursday (04.05) been recorded? Sadly, I missed it because of a presentation of mine, and can not find a recording on video.uni-erlangen.de

I don’t think we recorded it. We started a formalization of logic and left some parts as homework.