6th semester extension

Hello Everyone,

I’m currently pursuing a Master’s in Computational Engineering and am in my 4th semester, with enrollment already secured for the 5th semester (Summer 2024). Having completed 67 credits, I plan to commence my thesis in the 5th semester. I’m uncertain about the procedure for extending my thesis work into the 6th semester. Should I anticipate an automatic extension, or is it necessary to formally request one from the examination office?

Thank you for your guidance!

Hello ag33ineh,

a couple of things first: anything I tell you through this forum post is not legally binding, you need to read your examination regulations. Furthermore, for some reason I may not link more than 2 sites per post, I’ll try to post them in a second reply

The relevant ones should be these:(https://www.doc.zuv.fau.de//L1/PO/Tech/Computational_Engineering/englisch/BA-MA_Computational_Engineering_FPOCE_20070919_idF_20180730_en.pdf) and these:(https://www.doc.zuv.fau.de//L1/PO/Tech/Allgemeine_PO_Bachelor_Master/englisch/ABMPO-TechFak_20070918_idF_20220726_en.pdf).

Since your examination regulations changed in WinterSemester2022/23 the relevant one should be the linked previous version for the FPO and the current one for the ABMPO.

That being said, reading through the documents, you will find two important points:

  1. The sum total of credits for your examination program is 120 ECTS (Section 49 FPO)
  2. The standard examination timeframe for a masters degree is 4 semesters (Section 7 ABMPO)

Regarding point 1: You having only 67 credits so far is about half as much as is required to finish the degree. Your thesis only accounts for 30 credits, meaning you still lack 23. Either you have misspelled the amount of credits or you are very far behind in your curriculum. You most likely will need another extension if the latter is true. being this far behind may negatively impact your chances of recieving an extension. Furthermore, make sure you have credits in the correct modules. Read up on the specifics in section 49 and appendix 1 (and the module catalog:(link0) if you need details)

Regarding point 2: While the standard examination time is only four semesters, you get an „automatic“ extension for your fifth semester (section 7 sentence 3). If you require additional semesters to complete your studies you may need to file for a motion to grant an extension of your examination period (the form is findable here:(link1)). Usually these are granted if you can show that you finish your studies in a timely manner (especially via already finished examinations) or you can not reasonably be expected to have finished your studies (having to work to finance your studies, medical/mental health problems, to a limited extent language barrier regarding understanding the framework conditions).

However, you may not need to apply at all, depending on wether your iRStZ is set as 5 or more semesters due to corona (SS20 up to WS22/23 i believe). Look at your certificate of enrolment to see whether this applies to you. In such a case you need to finish your studies no later that (i)RStZ + 1 semester.

If you still have questions you should contact your advisory service here:(link2)

link0: (Module Catalog Master - Computational Engineering)
link1: (https://www.fau.de/files/2015/08/Antrag-auf-Verlängerung-der-Frist-zur-Ablegung-der-GOP_Studienzeitverlängerung_TechFak.pdf)

link2: (Studienberatung / Advisory Service CE / AI / TSE - Studiengang Computational Engineering)