A5 - Technology analysis clarification

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A5 - Technology analysis clarification

in the last Q&A we talked about the technology analysis (section ABP) and the additional documents for it and could not agree upon a clear interpretation of the tasks. Is there any information available concerning this by now or should we just do whatever makes sense in our eyes?

Bettina for Team 1

Dear Bettina

We will give you more details on this tomorrow.

Cheers, Nick

Specification of our questions
The part after “=>” is our suggested way of tackling the task. We usually would just follow this, but feedback in the last Q&A was that we will be provided with clarification. Thank you!

Agile business plan:

  • technology analysis table: what level of “technology” is meant here (competitor products, high-level descriptions such as “RFID technology” or more detailed answers such as something like this: https://github.com/GustavePate/mergetrelloboards)? => we would try to find out which level can be easily found out by doing research and getting expert info by Hannes

Technology benefit analysis:

  • this document is based on customer feedback which we cannot get => we collected some information on competitor products and technology in our interviews. We would use this information and make further assumptions based on our competitor analysis

Dear Bettina

As promised, here is some clarification on Technology analysis section.

  1. ABP Technology Analysis table. There is no specific instruction for the level of technology. So this is up to you. I think it makes sense to decide based on further research and expert consultation with Hannes. However, make sure to keep the level of technology consistent, all your table entries are on more or less the same level.

Here is the German intro sentence for the table:

“Die aus den Interviews identifizierten Marktprobleme können mit den folgenden, in unserem Unternehmen bereits vorhandenen Technologien gelöst werden. (Gibt es Marktprobleme die mit Technologie, die bereits in Ihrem Unternehmen vorhanden sind, gelöst werden können?)”

So this is about the technologies that you already have (that are going to exist) in your product/s. Don’t be restricted by what Hannes has created so far. It’s your project, so you can suggest some other technologies targeting various market problems.

  1. Technology benefit analysis

This diagram can be filled using customer feedback, but it doesn’t have to. You can fill it in yourselves having your potential customers’ needs in mind (based on the interviews). I suggest you also research more competitors and their product technologies, that way you will be able to pin your competitors (and their products) on this diagram. Your solution of basing this on competitors analysis makes sense, but make sure to focus on technologies offered by various products of your competitors. You can also have several diagrams for Technology benefit analysis for different product categories that you and your competitors offer, if this applies to you.

After putting yourself and your competitors on the diagram, use it to interpret various questions suggested in the template:

"3. You can use the technology benefit analysis:

  • As a tool for the assessment of the applied technology of products in comparison to the benefit for the customer.
  • To understand with help of the market survey which benefits the product offer to the customer
  • To position your product in comparison to your competitors
  • In order to determine prices for your products
  • In order to position the product in your product portfolio
  • In order to decide on a strategy for the distribution channel
  • In order to get an assessment of investment and risk"

You can write a paragraph or so about these points, while interpreting your diagram.

As an example, the creators of the Agile Business Plan suggest this diagram of iPhone and its competitors at the time: https://youtu.be/vN4U5FqrOdQ?t=5m6s

You should give 0 - 10 scale for each axis in the diagram and assess your competition accordingly.

Good luck and let me know if you have more questions.

Cheers, Nick

Thank you very much! :slight_smile: