Assignement 3 - Problem 3.2 (Stochastic Wumpus)

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Assignement 3 - Problem 3.2 (Stochastic Wumpus)
Hallo all,

i have a question regarding Problem 3.2 in the current assignment 3. Due to the task in combination with the definition of the Wumpus World I’m a bit confused. As i guess the wumpus world is defined as follows: “STENCH”-Percept: There is a wumpus near the current field (up, down, left or right). However the tasks says: “Robby lives in Wumpus world… . Robby also thinks, that places without a Wumpus should rarely stink (in only 20% of cases), whereas every field with a Wumpus stinks.” for my understanding the definition says that horizontally and vertically adjacent fields of a Wumpus-field stink, but the field with the Wumpus does not stink.

Assumption1: “F1 and F2 are random fields which are horizontally or vertically adjacent fields.”

Furthermore I had also some understanding challenges with 3.2.1 and 3.2.2.
For 3.2.1 I have made the assumption that the following was actually meant: Assumption2: “F1 stink means, the field I’m in, stink which is arranged to F1 so there could be a Wumpus in F1”. However than the probability of P(Wumpus in F1) would be zero by definition. So I’m confused about the situation where it actually stink etc.

For 3.2.1 I have made the assumption that the following was actually meant: Assumption3: “Robbie takes a slight detour next to F2, but is actually not in F2? Moreover he realize it stink in the current field which is next to F2.”

I would be pleased about a short feedback to eliminate the misunderstandings.

Beste regards,

That was AI1. The exercise you’re referring to has slightly different rules with respect to percepts as to not having to deal with all that adjacency-stuff (also, the idea of adjacent fields stinking but not knowing where the stench comes from never quite made sense to me :smiley: ). The exercise itself entails (or should entail) any and all rules that are relevant, not only since not everyone in AI2 has taken AI1 before.

The wumpus stinks, hence the field where the wumpus currently is stinks, Robbie can perceive that when they’re near without having to be in the same field, but their smelling apparatus is precise enough to know where that smell is coming from. If the Wumpus is in F1, then F1 stinks, and getting close enough to F1 reveals that stench. If you want, imagine each field having a door or something, with a noticable stench coming through the keyhole.

Sorry for the confusion. I’m assuming that clears things up, but just in case, let me go over your remaining points:

No, it literally states the opposite: „places without a Wumpus should rarely stink (in only 20% of cases), whereas every field with a Wumpus stinks.“

No, F1 and F2 are simply any (distinct) fields.

That works as an assumption, however where Robbie/you is/are precisely doesn’t matter. It only matters that Robbie/you are „close enough to F1 to clearly notice a stench coming from F1“.

No: every field with a Wumpus stinks

Now it makes sense to me! Thanks for this quick and precise feedback!

Thanks as well. I guess it is confusing because you are using wumpus world but not really using the rules which were discussed earlier in the introduction lectures, rather the rules are newly defined.