Assignment 1 now uploaded

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Assignment 1 now uploaded
Dear all,

I’ve uploaded the first assignment:
There is no deadline yet (we will have to discuss that with Michael).
If you have any questions/difficulties, feel free to ask in the forum or during the lecture.

While the homework is created as a Jupyter notebook, you can just as well solve them with .gf-files and the normal GF repl (below are a few comments on that).
If you want to install Jupyter and the GF Kernel, you can follow the instructions here: However, it does not yet work for Windows (though it might work with the Linux subsystem, see discussion at


If don’t use Jupyter:

You can download GF from
Then, create one [m].gf[/m]-File for each syntax and match the syntax name and the filename (e.g. [m][/m]).
You can start the REPL with the command [m]gf[/m]. Then you can import the grammar using import etc.