Exam time and tutorial next week

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Exam time and tutorial next week
_ The exam is coming in less than 10 days and there’s no specific time yet, at least on meincampus.
Am I missing this information from the lecture ?
I have another exam in 10/02 (2pm) and till now I don’t know whether I’m able to take it or not.
_ Will there be a tutorial next week for a summary for the exam?

Thank you in advance.

You can usually write to the examinations office about such matters so they are usually able to plan the exams so you can write both but it might be a little late for doing so (you can still try, you might get additional information at least, see link below).
The examination time is usually published about two weeks before the exam on meinCampus (seems to be later this time).


There will be tutorials this week.

Regarding exam clashes, as the professor explained in lectures, it is possible to arrange so that you write the AI exam either in a slot before everyone else, or after everyone else, so that you can take both exams.


Given that your other exam is at 2pm, you could write the AI exam 12:15-13:45 in one of the KWARC group offices (the same goes for anyone else who has a similar problem). It could probably be pushed to an earlier time, if you need to get to another location.

I hope this helps!