Hilfe :-)

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Hilfe :slight_smile:
Hi, könnte jemand hier posten, wie die Methode MultInteger vom Augabenblatt 3 schon im korrekten OOP-Still ausschaut ? danke :wink:

re: hier…
public class MultInteger {

int multiplikand;

 * MultInteger takes one argument:
 * @param multiplikand	the number to be multiplied as an int
public MultInteger(int multiplikand) {
	this.multiplikand = multiplikand;

 * Method multiply takes one argument
 * @param multiplikator	the number to be multiplied with as an int
int multiply(int multiplikator) {
	return multiplikand * multiplikator;

 * Creates new MultInteger-object and calls its method multiply()
 * @param args accepts two argumentsfrom console , first being the number 
 * to be multiplied, second the multiplier 
public static void main(String[] args) {
	MultInteger m;
	int multiplikand = 0;
	int multiplikator = 0;
	int result;
	//if exactly two arguments present, try to parse them as int 
	if (args.length == 2) {
		try {
			multiplikand = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
			multiplikator = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
		} catch (NumberFormatException n) {
			System.err.println("main: error while converting number: " + n);
	//create new MultInteger-instance, and multiply
	m = new MultInteger(multiplikand);
	result = m.multiply(multiplikator);
	//print equation and result to stdout
	System.out.println(multiplikand + " * " + multiplikator + " = "
			+ result);
