Homework for CW05

Content of submission

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Homework for CW05
Hey guys,

I’m currently wondering on how our draft should look like.
The slides say, that we should formulate up to three best practices to answer the assignment question. Do best practices look like the the given table on page 22 (e.g. ‘Name’, ‘context’, ‘Problem’, ‘solution’ and ‘sources’) and nothing more? So in the end, we have a submission containing only three table-like best practices answering the question, right?

Thank you in advance,


Yes, the assignment is to write up to three best practices in the table-like format we presented in class. Make sure that your best practices are interconnected (reference each other, detail each other etc.).

You are also free to add some explanatory text with your best practices.

Cheers, Nick

Thank you for the fast answer. Now it is clear :wink: