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Homework (May 16th)
- Implement the missing proof rules for a full natural deduction calculus, following the rules in https://new.kwarc.info/teaching/AI/slides.pdf
- Prove the SCombinator in PLSyntax
The SCombinator we defined in the lab seems to be missing a bracket due to ⟹ not being defined as right associative, i.e.
(P ⟹ (Q ⟹ R)) ⟹ (P ⟹ Q) ⟹ (P ⟹ R) should actually be (P ⟹ (Q ⟹ R)) ⟹ ((P ⟹ Q) ⟹ (P ⟹ R))
Otherwise you cannot prove the homework.
Urgh, yes, sorry, I’m so used to the function arrow being right-associative that I didn’t even think that the other one might not be…