Homework/Organisationals after first Lecture

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Homework/Organisationals after first Lecture
Hello NYT’lers,

unfortunately i couldn’t join the first lecture due to overlapping courses and not directly getting a spot for NYT in StudOn.

From what i can find in the uploaded Slides, it looks like i should do the following until tomorows lecture:
a) Prepare slides B01-B03 for the class quiz.
b) Upload the first homework task (CW02) in StudOn.

My questions are:

  1. Is this correct or am i missing something?
  2. Do we start at 9AM tomorow or later?

Thank you for swift answers.

Edit: Questions are obsolete as of now. If someone needs the answers: tasks i didnt find any other. Class will start at 9am with the quiz.

Correct. All classes from now on start with a 10min quiz at 9am sharp that tests your recollection of last week’s lecture content.

Homework is due as laid out it in slide deck A02 course schedule and homework and is to be submitted on StudOn.