how to add in gradle/test failing after suite

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how to add in gradle/test failing after suite
Hello everyone!
I have error: testNameGeneration is failing in GuestTest, it throws IllegalArgumentException that comes from ClientManager and it displays like that: ‘1337is already known’, probably someone also has the same problem, it has occurred when I have added all tests in and run it.
Additionally, I am very much confused how to add AllTests in gradle file, it should be, obviously, in test section, but probably it requires some special syntax for it.
Thank you in advance!

Regarding your latter question: You just have to specify the path to your file (without the extension). So just replace the wildcard entry with „“.

I had the same problem, you need to exclude some tests. I excluded everything prefixed with “Abstract” and postfixed with “Provider”, this meant that the same number of tests ran before and after the creation of the suites.