Journey to the End of the Night

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Journey to the End of the Night
tl;dr: June 12 2014, 8pm, HAWO Hartmannstr. 129, Bring water and friends you can outrun

Coming week participate in the first Journey in Erlangen. The journey is a multiplayer real-world chasing game across a city.

Read up on the rules on
If you like get the app (not obligatory for participating)
Be there on time

The city spreads out before you. Rushing from point to point, lit by the slow strobe of fluorescent buses and dark streets. Stumbling into situations for a stranger’s signature. Fleeing unknown pursuers, breathing hard, admiring the landscape and the multitude of worlds hidden in it.

For one night, drop your relations, your work and leisure activities, and all your usual motives for movement and action, and let yourself be drawn by the attractions of the chase and the encounters you find there.

Journey Erlangen is a race through the city’s streets. You will run (or walk) from check point to check point to your final destination. But be careful! Avoid the chasers and don’t get caught! If you do get caught — catch 'em yourself! Now your one of THEM.

All information on

1 „Gefällt mir“

Morgen abend gehts los!
