Problem 4.1 How to draw the complete game tree ?

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Problem 4.1 How to draw the complete game tree ?
I can’t understand drawing rules. Can somebody show a simple example?

I’ve understood it like this:
(3,2) → (1,3)

Problem 4.1. asks you to draw a tree of choices the players have. The initial state,

A _ _ B
1 2 3 4

can be represented as a tuple i[/i].

It is A’s turn, and they need to move. The only option is to move to square 2, resulting in the state i[/i]. Similarly, B needs to move to 3: i[/i]. Now A has the option to move back, i[/i], or to jump over B, i[/i]. The tree so far would look like this:

  /     \
(1,3) (4,3)

Some of the states will get repeated - you are not expected to expand those again. Subproblem (2) asks you to come up with an idea for how the agent could deal with such states.