problems with QDAcity

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problems with QDAcity
I tried to register at but I always end up with a blank white page. Sometimes the content appears after a while, but I’m still unable to log in with my google account and get an infinite loading animation.
This has happened for two days, both at home and at university, and with different browsers, so I think there is a problem with the web page.

Are there any known problems or am I the only person unable to log in?


sorry you are having trouble registering.
The application is operational and many of of your colleagues already registered and requested a copy of the research data.

We’ve had a report like this in the past but it is really hard to replicate because I don’t know what is going on on your machine and it works for most users (including myself).

Some general things that may help:

  • Sign out of google all google accounts before going to
  • Try chrome
  • Reload the page while bypassing the browser cache (Ctrl + Shift + R)

If nothing works and you have a laptop that you can bring by, you could come by my office tomorrow (Fr) and I’d have a look what might be going on preventing you from registering.

If you do figure out how to resolve your issue, please let us know.


Thank you for the fast reply.
Unfortunately, the suggested steps do not work for me, so I will come by today.

If there is somebody with the same problem, the solution is to

  1. disable any ad blocker (solves the blank page issue)
  2. allow all third-party cookies (solves the log-in issue)
