QDAcity - names of code?

can we give the codes names ?

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QDAcity - names of code?
Hi all!

Actually, we don’t know how we should get started with coding the interview.

So, we will take the code names of the code book, right?

Do you have some tips how to start or how the process is ?

Thank you in advance!


All the instructions are on StudOn > NYT SS17 > Coding Exercise > NYT - coding exercise SS17.pdf

Did you check this out? If something is still unclear, please ask in more detail.

Cheers, Nick

Hello ,

I finished the coding for the two interviews made with Frank and Bauer, which is the assignment for cw06 according to the instructions on studon.
Is there a requirement or a way to submit the final version of the coded documents? or should we just complete the coding and then leave the interviews as they are on our QDAcity accounts?

Thank you :slight_smile: