Solution Presence Problem I and Bonus Challenge

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Solution Presence Problem I and Bonus Challenge
Dear all,

the solution to the first presence problem is available here:

Two bugs were discovered during the tutorials in the implementation of the integers:

  1. The test queries yield one additional wrong result (“false”) when clicking “next”.
  2. The query “nat(p(p(s(zero)))).” (and similar ones) succeeds.

The first bug is very easily fixed, the second one is a bit harder. 20 bonus-bonus points to the first three people who can fix the bugs. Submissions to me via email please.

(Bonus-bonus points can be used to compensate for bonus points you missed, however they cannot be used to get above 100% of the bonus points.)

Good morning,

the first two people have found a solution to the bonus problem. So one chance remains.

All the bonus-bonus points have now been claimed. Good job! This was unusually fast, so I will try to make the next challenge a little bit harder ^^.