The link to exercice pdf doesn't work anymore

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The link to exercice pdf doesn’t work anymore
I receive an error when i try to open the assignment1 pdf and I don’t have a copy on my computer. How cant I have it ?

…works for me…?

I don’t know why but il’s still doesn’t works for me…
the error is : the website it unreachable

The problem was resolved thanks. also blocks IPs from dorms like Rommel or Hawo - maybe you were in their internet?

If yes, you need a proxy

oO Why?

some of the CS-chairs have/had the same problem; the student dorms are within the university network, but somehow their firewalls block it.

If you want, I can give additional informations, afaik Lehrstuhl 2 fixed it for their web presence a few weeks ago and they described the problem better.

Wow, this is completely news to me. Also, certainly not intentional. I’ll let our sys admin know, she might be able to do something about that.