Vacation, Games, and Android

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Vacation, Games, and Android
Hello everyone,

I would like to draw your attention to our class at the 2010 Ferienakademie

titled “Serious Games”. The Ferienakademie is a free two week vacation-fun-engineering event. It takes place in South Tyrol (Südtirol), all expenses paid (see website for more information).

Basically it is a mix of study, hacking, hiking, and chilling out in beautiful Sarntal, South Tyrol, Italy.

Our topic is serious games, and we are likely to make it a project involving mobile devices. I expect to bring the Android devices, my Munich colleague, renowned Professor Bernd Bruegge, is likely to bring iPhones.

Whatever the project, it is both an honor to get in and a lot of fun to have. If you have any questions let me know.

Please also tell your friends. And don’t forget to apply if this is for you!

Dirk Riehle