Week 01 Homework

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Week 01 Homework
Greetings all,
I left early and i need to know if the homework on the slides for Week 2 is due on Week 2 or Week 3?
If i wasnt clear, do we have homework already?

Thank you!

If it says CW#02 Homework Due than it is homework due that course week, also the the initial time-table to identify CW#02. So yes, there is homework due, i.e. summarize the Feynman article etc.

Ok, and this summary should be uploaded to crowdgrader? I dont believe i can upload to the class page in crowdgrader, do i have to be invited?

Please sign up through the join link on the course schedule spreadsheet.

Just a question to the clarification of week 1’s homework. The task was to provide a summary for each of the two papers [E74] and [T14]. The crowdgrader link allows a submission of only 1 PDF. Just to point out the obvious but would that mean that the PDF documents should be combined? This is to say that next week we will be required to peer review 5 summaries to the total length of max 10 pages?

Additionally, the slides state that we should adhere to the following format “lastname-firstname-cw02-homework.pdf” If the papers are reviewed anonymously does that mean that the name of our files will be changed by crowdgrader?



Thank you very much, i got really confused. Already joined and submitted my homework.

Yes, please just submit one PDF including all summaries.

Indeed, you’ll get a max. total of 10 pages for review.

The PDFs provided to you for review will have been renamed.

Great thanks for you reply. See you in class.